Monday, March 30, 2015

Healthy Stress Management to Heal & Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes has become a global epidemic, and while it may seem puzzling to see such massive increases in one disease category it isn't such a puzzle once you understand Type 2 Diabetes is a Lifestyle disease and the Western lifestyle is the perfect breeding ground for just such a health problem.  A lifestyle disease is one that is directly linked to lifestyle choices including what you eat, how much you exercise, what toxins you are exposed to and your stress levels. The Western lifestyle is the perfect breeding ground for Type 2 diabetes because of the way we eat (To lean more about how to Eat to Heal & prevent Diabetes click here), how toxic our environment, products and foods have become, how little we move these days and how much stress is normal in every day life. Stress plays a HUGE factor in the development and worsening of Type 2 Diabetes and most of us would say we live a fairly stressful lifestyle. 

How Stress Creates and Makes Type 2 Diabetes Worse

Stress is a normal part of the Western lifestyle, we live extremely stressful lives from jobs that take too much time and too much of a toll, to family commitments and obligations, to running households, volunteering, church activities, keeping in touch with friends...the to-do list of life never seems to end causing lots of additional stress each and every day! This external stress has a profound effect on our internal health especially in the process of creating and worsening Type 2 Diabetes. 

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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In people with diabetes, stress specifically alters blood glucose levels. Stress does this in two ways:

1. Stress hormones which are naturally produced when we are under stress alter blood glucose levels directly.

2. When you are under stress you do not care for yourself as well as you would if you where not stressed, you do not eat as healthy and will often be drawn to or crave sweet substances and carbohydrates. Overall self-care goes down significantly when under stress and since Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease self-care is VITAL to prevention and healing. 

Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes. (1)

How to Naturally Reduce Stress to Heal & Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Since we know there is little we can do about eliminating stress altogether, we must instead find healthy ways to reduce the effects of stress on our internal health. Healthy stress management practices can do just that. 


Yoga is a mind-body practice of exercise and movement that combines stretching exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation. A number of studies have shown that yoga can help reduce overall stress while also enhancing mood and overall sense of well-being.

One three month study found that those with Type 2 Diabetes who engaged in a regualr yoga practice had a significant reduction in BMI and better glycemic control. They also found yoga to increase specific internal antioxidants which helped to reduce oxidative stress which has been linked as a root cause of Type 2 Diabetes. (2) Overall yoga had a significnalty positive effect on helping to heal and reduce the symsptoms associated with Type 2 diabetes


Studies have shown that meditation not only reduces stress it also increases the efficiency of the immune system and helps facilitate quicker healing  overall in the body. Regardless of the disease you have, helping to support quicker and better healing in the body is imperative. meditation is one such tool which can help you to increase your healing rate. 

After just 3 weeks of meditative practice, one study found that blood glucose levels decreased in regular mediators as well as blood pressure. (3)

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can be beneficial to your health in so many ways. At the tops of that list is the ability to take time to release stress and also built up toxins. As our previous blog posts have talked about, Toxins have a direct link to the development and worsening of Type 2 Diabetes. We release up to 80% of our toxins from our body through our breath, the problem is most of us breathe too shallowly, especially during times of stress, which means more toxins stay trapped in the body. Deep breathing exercises help to release those built up toxins and also is a way for you to decrease and manage stress in a more healthy way. 

Now that you know some easy Healthy Stress Management tools the key is to implement them into your daily life. If you have no used these tools before they are not hard to begin, but consistency and making them long term habist can be the challenging part. 

Raw Vitality offers a way for you to learn how to eat and live in a way to Heal and Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in a supported environment over a 30-day period to ensure all the things you need to be doing to heal, become long term habits. 
The Raw Vitality Naturally Healing Diabetes program is a 30-day program that teaches and guides you through the 4 keys to health. In 30-days you will gain the education and support you need to begin to heal your body and naturally reverse type 2 diabetes. This is an online program that offers you workbooks, recipe books, group wellness coaching calls, daily meditations, and unlimited support from the Raw Vitality team. 

Our next Naturally Healing Diabetes group will begin on Monday May 4, 2015. Register for this program today!

For any questions contact:

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
- See more at:


1. Does emotional stress cause type 2 diabetes mellitus? A review from the European Depression in Diabetes (EDID) Research Consortium.

2. Effect of 3-Month Yoga on Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes With or Without Complications

3. Hypoglycemic effect of sitting breathing meditation exercise on type 2 diabetes

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Eating to Heal & Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is an increasing epidemic. Over 29 million people currently are living with diabetes equating to 1 in every 10 people over the age of 20 being diagnosed at some point in their life with 1 in 4 being diagnosed over 65! Diabetes cost the United States an estimated $245 billion in 2012, a figure that is expected to rise with the increasing number of diagnoses. Type 2 diabetes is not just an epidemic here in the US but is on the rise worldwide. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reports that as of 2013 there were more than 382 million people living with diabetes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 90% of people around the world who suffer from diabetes suffer from type 2 diabetes. It is fair to say diabetes is a worldwide health crisis!

Both type 2 diabetes and its side effects can be prevented, delayed and even reversed. The most effective prevention methods include regular physical activity and a healthy diet. Up to 85% of complications and morbidities among individuals with type 2 diabetes can be prevented, delayed, or effectively treated and minimized with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Type 2 Diabetes is a disease of lifestyle, meaning it is directly caused by how you eat and your lifestyle practices. It is not something you get overnight, over the past week or even over the past year. Often the process of creating type 2 diabetes takes decades or more. However, it can take substantially less time to reverse by making changes to your diet and lifestyle. 

In the Raw Vitality Healing Diabetes Naturally program we teach the 4 Key Areas of Health, the first of which is Eating for Healing and Long Term Health. Your eating practices are the very foundation the rest of your healing and long term health will be built upon. 

Eating for Healing and Long Term Health Type 2 Diabetes

There is one overall approach to eating to heal, reverse and prevent type 2 diabetes and this one approach is simply:

Eat real, living, organic, nutrient dense, plant based foods. 

Seem too simple? Repeated studies and doctors have found that by simply following this one principal type 2 diabetes can be stopped in its tracks, reversed and prevented while at the same time eliminating all the usual health complications associated with type 2 diabetes. 

The reason this one principal is so effective is that it solves all the problems associated with creating type 2 diabetes through diet including: calorie restriction, nutrient deficiency, high toxicity in tissues, high amount of sugar in the diet and too much animal protein. 

Caloric Restriction

Restricting calories is one of the most beneficial ways to begin the process of reversing, healing and preventing type 2 diabetes. Traditionally in our culture when we think of restricting calories we think simply of eating less but eating the exact same foods, just decreasing the total amount eaten. This is not a good way to restrict calories as it will leave you feeling unsatisfied, hungry and can cause your blood sugar levels to make sudden dips. 

Instead, the better approach is to change the types of foods you are eating. If you make the correct changes you will reduce your total calories while still consuming the same amount of food, keeping your blood sugar even and feeling satisfied. 

The correct way to do this is to begin eating high quality (real), organic, nutrient dense living plant foods. 

Nutrient Deficiency

Often obesity or carrying excess weight is a contributing factor to the development of type 2 diabetes. Yet despite high calorie intake, studies have shown obese individuals have high rates of micro-nutrient deficiencies. Processed foods lose 50% of the protein, 70-80% of the vitamins and minerals and 95% of certain nutrients. Deficiencies of specific vitamins and minerals play an important role in glucose metabolism and insulin production and contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes. In addition, diabetes itself frequently causes nutritional deficiencies. (1)

The body uses micro nutrients to heal and repair normal wear and tear so when deficiencies exist this healing and regular upkeep of the body stops or does not operate effectively. These same nutrients are needed to produce insulin and use it effectively in the body.

To begin helping the body heal and reverse type 2 diabetes increasing the amount of micro nutrients in the diet is vital. Taking supplements does not do an effective job because that is not how the body was designed to get nutrients. Foods have thousands of different types of plant chemicals, macro and micro nutrients that all work together for health and healing and the body is better able to digest, absorb and assimilate foods rather then supplements. The key to reversing nutrient deficiency and healing type 2 diabetes is to eat nutrient dense, organic, plant based foods. Organic foods have been showed in repeated studies to have higher amounts of nutrients including antioxidants which help reverse cellular damage, but also organic foods do not contain the health harming toxic chemicals of non-organic foods.

High Rate of Toxicity

New research shows that environmental chemicals have a great deal to do with both diabetes and obesity. A 2006 study found that US adults with the highest exposure to six kinds of POPs had 37.7 times the risk of diabetes of people with the lowest levels of exposure. The POPs included dioxins, DDE, oxychlordane, and trans-nonachlor. The last two are breakdown products of the pesticide chlordane.

Virtually everyone in the world is contaminated with POPs. They are sprayed on most commercially grown foods in America and have many industrial uses. They are also found in higher quantities in animal fats, because fat stores toxic chemicals. POPs and arsenic are the chemicals most strongly linked with diabetes by existing evidence.

Pesticides have also been linked to type 2 diabetes. In-organic foods are sprayed with pesticides multiple times before arriving in your kitchen. Studies have shown that farm workers have high rates of Type 2 diabetes. One study found that women who mixed or applied pesticides to crops or repaired pesticide application equipment during the first trimester of pregnancy had a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes. Four herbicides and three insecticides were found to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. (2)

Again, Eating real, living, organic, nutrient dense, plant based foods solves this problem by reducing your exposure of toxic chemicals and beginning to detox your body of existing built up chemicals.

High Sugar in the Diet

We know that increased levels of sugar in our Western diets are a leading contributor to type 2 diabetes. We know how high in sugar soda and candy are, but did you know that all processed foods are sugar rich foods? White, processed foods turn to glucose when digested in the body so have a very similar effect on blood sugar as eating spoon fulls of white sugar. Most all packages and processed foods contain some sort of sugar additives, even foods you would not think contain sugar! Check labels, but better yet stay clear of foods that come out of a package and instead....

Eat real, living, organic, nutrient dense, plant based foods. 

Too Much Animal Protein

In terms of health, meat eaters have 4 times more breast cancer, 3.6 times more prostate cancer, 4 times more diabetes, and much more in general chronic disease. If you're just having milk, your risk of leukemia is 3 times more. In diabetes, the main cause is sugar, but we know that a meat, fish and chicken diet creates 4 times more diabetes because it creates insulin-resistance.

Several studies have found that higher intakes of total protein, especially animal protein, are associated with long-term risk of developing diabetes. (Dr. Frank Hu, from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston) Substantial amounts of animal protein from red meat and processed meat have been consistently associated with increased risk of diabetes. Additionally, higher intake of animal protein often comes along with other undesirable nutrients such as saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.

In other studies, plant protein sources such as nuts, legumes and whole grains have been associated with lower risk of diabetes. Therefore, by replacing red meat and processed meat with plant sources of protein you increase the rate of diabetes healing and prevention. (3)

Again, by Eating real, living, organic, nutrient dense, plant based foods you easily reduce the amount of animal protein in the diet. 

You can eat in a way that will begin to heal and reverse type 2 diabetes, prevent it from occurring and can significantly reduce the health complications that come along with type 2 diabetes by following one simple approach. Eat real, living, organic, nutrient dense, plant based foods. 

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
- See more at:
The Raw Vitality Naturally Healing Diabetes program is a 30-day program that teaches and guides you through the 4 keys to health including how to implement this one simple eating approach to naturally healing and preventing type 2 diabetes. In 30-days you will gain the education and support you need to begin to heal your body and naturally reverse type 2 diabetes. This is an online program that offers you workbooks, recipe books, group wellness coaching calls, daily meditations, unlimited support from the Raw Vitality team and so much more!

Our next Naturally Healing Diabetes group will begin on Monday May 4, 2015. Register for this program today!

For any questions contact:

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
- See more at:


1. The Malnutrition of Obesity: Micronutrient Deficiencies That Promote Diabetes


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Healed Naturally?

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Healed Naturally? The short answer to that question is Yes, without a doubt, without question. Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, meaning it is directly caused by your lifestyle habits. The good news with this is that YOU can do something about it by making healthy changes to your eating and lifestyle practices. Type 2 Diabetes is not a life sentence, your health does not have to degenerate and get worse as you age, your disease does not have to progress and get worse, you do not have to live on prescription medications and/or injections on a daily basis, you can heal your body, you can heal Type 2 Diabetes naturally.

Focus on the 4 Keys to Health to Heal Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

By focusing on the 4 keys to health you can heal your body and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. there are 4 main contributors to the development and progression of type 2 diabetes and by focusing on these 4 main areas you can begin to heal your body and reverse this condition naturally. Continue with these practices long term and you can be free of type 2 diabetes forever.


The typical Western diet is comprised of many processed foods which are nutrient deficient while being loaded with health harming chemicals that begin the process of type 2 diabetes. Processed foods are sugar rich foods and cause a continual spike in insulin levels in the body. Over time your body becomes resistant to insulin and sugar stays in the blood, at the same time body weight typically is increasing putting a greater strain on insulin production. At the same time these foods are deficient in all nutrients so that body is not getting what it needs to naturally heal and repair as damage is being done. Added to this mix is the addition of health harming chemicals added to processed foods which destroy body tissues and damage DNA.

Additionally the Western diet is typically heavy in animal products. French researchers found a diet heavy in animal products and other acidic foods (like processed foods) can cause an acid load in the body, resulting in health complications. This includes reduced insulin sensitivity, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, according to their study.

"We have demonstrated for the first time in a large prospective study that dietary acid load was positively associated with type 2 diabetes risk, independently of other known risk factors for diabetes," the researchers said. (1)

The simple solution to all of these problems in eating practices is to move to an organic, plant based nutrient dense, low sugar diet. This may sound complicated but Raw Vitality has made it very simple for you to learn, day-by-day, in just 30 days. (Learn more about our Healing Diabetes Naturally program)


Studies have well established that being involved in regular physical activity improves blood glucose control and can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, along with positively affecting lipids, blood pressure, cardiovascular events, mortality, and quality of life. (2)

At the time most people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes they have been inactive for quite some time. Jumping into an intense exercise routine may actually end up harming your health even worse, by causing internal stress and burn out, but establishing a consistent, balanced exercise routine can not only help begin to heal your body it can begin to reverse type 2 diabetes and prevent it long term. This is another area we focus on during the 30-day Healing Diabetes Naturally Program. 

Healthy Stress Management

Stress is a normal part of the Western lifestyle, we live extremely stressful lives. This external stress has a profound effect on our internal health especially in those with type 2 diabetes. 

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:

1. Stress hormones alter blood glucose levels directly.
2. When you are under stress you do not care for yourself as well, you do not eat as healthy and will often be drawn to or crave sweet substances and carbohydrates.

Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes. (3)

Creating and maintaining a healthy stress management practice is crucial to helping your body heal and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. In the Raw Vitality Healing Diabetes Naturally program we focus on utilizing meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and outdoor walking to reduce the stress impact on the body naturally. 

Green Living Practices

For years we have known that many of the chemicals found in our body care products, cleaning products and foods have a negative impact on health and even have been linked to many disease cycles. New studies are beginning to show that these same chemicals play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

How is it that these toxic chemicals lead to the process of type 2 diabetes? Toxins can overload the immune system, leading it to make mistakes in the form of what we call an autoimmune disease, or a disease in which the body’s attacks its own healthy cells.  According to a Reuters article the scientists concluded that in many cases, a strong connection exists between chemicals and Type 2 diabetes as well as obesity,.(4)

Many chemicals we come in contact with on a daily basis we have no little to no control over like those found in the air we breathe, but we do have control over a large portion of the other chemicals we bring into our body. 

In Naturally Healing Diabetes we take a look at this issue and teach you how to implement green living practices into your life so you begin to significantly reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals.

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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The Raw Vitality Naturally Healing Diabetes program is a 30-day program that teaches and guides you through the 4 keys to health. In 30-days you will gain the education and support you need to begin to heal your body and naturally reverse type 2 diabetes. This is an online program that offers you workbooks, recipe books, group wellness coaching calls, daily meditations, and unlimited support from the Raw Vitality team. 

Our next Naturally Healing Diabetes group will begin on Monday May 4, 2015. Register for this program today!

For any questions contact:

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
- See more at:


1. Meat Products Could Raise Diabetes Risk: Study.

2. Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes.

3. Does emotional stress cause type 2 diabetes mellitus? A review from the European Depression in Diabetes (EDID) Research Consortium.

4. Toxins and Type 2.