Thursday, May 21, 2015

10,000 Steps a Day for Healing & Prevention

Balanced, consistent exercise is one of the 4 Keys to Health, Vitality and Longevity that we teach in any of our Raw Vitality holistic health and natural healing programs. That is because exercise has been shown in study after study to be beneficial to overall health and wellbeing and to assist in the healing and reversal process of most all chronic health conditions. One of the very best exercises you can do each and every day is walking. Walking is easy, doesn't require any equipment and can be done anywhere, even if you are traveling or recovering in the hospital. Walking helps to regulate insulin levels, sleep cycles, digestive processes, neurotransmitter function essential for reversing depression and anxiety, reducing blood pressure and stress levels, increasing detoxification as well as...

  • Lowers blood pressure and the ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol levels and raises the ‘good’ (HDL) cholesterol levels -- all of which decrease the risk of heart disease.
  • Strengthens and builds bone -- a change that decreases the risk and pain of osteoarthritis.
  • Helps to reach weight loss goals and maintains a healthy weight.
  • Improves muscle strength -- helps the body maintain mobility, strength, flexibility and endurance.
  • Improves skin tone.
  • Improves memory.
  • Reduces the risk of colon cancer. 
  • Increases immunity. 

Research has shown that to get the most benefits from walking you will want to walk 10,000 steps a day. This may seem like alot but really isn't when you factor in all the walking you do each day for your regular activities or by adding in the recommendations below.

By adding 20-30 minutes of outdoor walking into your daily routine you can easily accomplish 10,000 steps. Start monitoring how much movement and walking you are getting each day by wearing a pedometer or installing an app on your smart phone to keep track of your daily walking levels.

Walking is very important if you are dealing with a chronic health condition or disease. It is VITAL in these cases to be getting up and taking daily walks, especially if you are healing from surgery or recovering from a recent health crisis. You may not be able to get 10,000 steps in right away after your health incident, but even a few steps each day will help your body heal more quickly and build up your endurance for reaching your goal of 10,000 steps each day.

In the beginning start by adding just 500 steps a day and build up to adding 2,000 extra steps a day. Continue adding steps until you reach your final goal of 10,000 steps a day.

Find easy ways to take more steps throughout your day like:
  • Take the stairs rather than an elevator or escalator
  • If you happen to be on an uncrowded escalator, walk up the escalator rather than riding
  • Park at the far end of every parking lot and walk to your location
  • Take short walks during work breaks
  • Walk the dog every day.

In Raw Vitality, we use daily outdoor walking in the natural healing and prevention process and is part of any of our 30-day natural healing and holistic health programs. To start your journey of natural healing visit our web site at: and find the program that is right for you!

To learn the 4 Keys to Health, Vitality and Longevity in-depth and begin using the most effective natural healing and preventative health tools join one of our 30-day holistic health and natural healing programs. We offer a variety of programs to fit your individual needs. To learn more visit:

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at

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