Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Healed Naturally?

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Healed Naturally? The short answer to that question is Yes, without a doubt, without question. Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, meaning it is directly caused by your lifestyle habits. The good news with this is that YOU can do something about it by making healthy changes to your eating and lifestyle practices. Type 2 Diabetes is not a life sentence, your health does not have to degenerate and get worse as you age, your disease does not have to progress and get worse, you do not have to live on prescription medications and/or injections on a daily basis, you can heal your body, you can heal Type 2 Diabetes naturally.

Focus on the 4 Keys to Health to Heal Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

By focusing on the 4 keys to health you can heal your body and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. there are 4 main contributors to the development and progression of type 2 diabetes and by focusing on these 4 main areas you can begin to heal your body and reverse this condition naturally. Continue with these practices long term and you can be free of type 2 diabetes forever.


The typical Western diet is comprised of many processed foods which are nutrient deficient while being loaded with health harming chemicals that begin the process of type 2 diabetes. Processed foods are sugar rich foods and cause a continual spike in insulin levels in the body. Over time your body becomes resistant to insulin and sugar stays in the blood, at the same time body weight typically is increasing putting a greater strain on insulin production. At the same time these foods are deficient in all nutrients so that body is not getting what it needs to naturally heal and repair as damage is being done. Added to this mix is the addition of health harming chemicals added to processed foods which destroy body tissues and damage DNA.

Additionally the Western diet is typically heavy in animal products. French researchers found a diet heavy in animal products and other acidic foods (like processed foods) can cause an acid load in the body, resulting in health complications. This includes reduced insulin sensitivity, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, according to their study.

"We have demonstrated for the first time in a large prospective study that dietary acid load was positively associated with type 2 diabetes risk, independently of other known risk factors for diabetes," the researchers said. (1)

The simple solution to all of these problems in eating practices is to move to an organic, plant based nutrient dense, low sugar diet. This may sound complicated but Raw Vitality has made it very simple for you to learn, day-by-day, in just 30 days. (Learn more about our Healing Diabetes Naturally program)


Studies have well established that being involved in regular physical activity improves blood glucose control and can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, along with positively affecting lipids, blood pressure, cardiovascular events, mortality, and quality of life. (2)

At the time most people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes they have been inactive for quite some time. Jumping into an intense exercise routine may actually end up harming your health even worse, by causing internal stress and burn out, but establishing a consistent, balanced exercise routine can not only help begin to heal your body it can begin to reverse type 2 diabetes and prevent it long term. This is another area we focus on during the 30-day Healing Diabetes Naturally Program. 

Healthy Stress Management

Stress is a normal part of the Western lifestyle, we live extremely stressful lives. This external stress has a profound effect on our internal health especially in those with type 2 diabetes. 

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:

1. Stress hormones alter blood glucose levels directly.
2. When you are under stress you do not care for yourself as well, you do not eat as healthy and will often be drawn to or crave sweet substances and carbohydrates.

Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes. (3)

Creating and maintaining a healthy stress management practice is crucial to helping your body heal and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. In the Raw Vitality Healing Diabetes Naturally program we focus on utilizing meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and outdoor walking to reduce the stress impact on the body naturally. 

Green Living Practices

For years we have known that many of the chemicals found in our body care products, cleaning products and foods have a negative impact on health and even have been linked to many disease cycles. New studies are beginning to show that these same chemicals play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

How is it that these toxic chemicals lead to the process of type 2 diabetes? Toxins can overload the immune system, leading it to make mistakes in the form of what we call an autoimmune disease, or a disease in which the body’s attacks its own healthy cells.  According to a Reuters article the scientists concluded that in many cases, a strong connection exists between chemicals and Type 2 diabetes as well as obesity,.(4)

Many chemicals we come in contact with on a daily basis we have no little to no control over like those found in the air we breathe, but we do have control over a large portion of the other chemicals we bring into our body. 

In Naturally Healing Diabetes we take a look at this issue and teach you how to implement green living practices into your life so you begin to significantly reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals.

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
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The Raw Vitality Naturally Healing Diabetes program is a 30-day program that teaches and guides you through the 4 keys to health. In 30-days you will gain the education and support you need to begin to heal your body and naturally reverse type 2 diabetes. This is an online program that offers you workbooks, recipe books, group wellness coaching calls, daily meditations, and unlimited support from the Raw Vitality team. 

Our next Naturally Healing Diabetes group will begin on Monday May 4, 2015. Register for this program today!

For any questions contact:

In people with diabetes, stress can alter blood glucose levels in two ways:
  • People under stress may not take good care of themselves. They may drink more alcohol or exercise less. They may forget, or not have time, to check their glucose levels or plan good meals.
  • Stress hormones may also alter blood glucose levels directly.
Scientists have studied the effects of stress on glucose levels in animals and people. Diabetic mice under physical or mental stress have elevated glucose levels. The effects in people with type 1 diabetes are more mixed. While most people's glucose levels go up with mental stress, others' glucose levels can go down. In people with type 2 diabetes, mental stress often raises blood glucose levels. Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people with either type of diabetes.
- See more at:


1. Meat Products Could Raise Diabetes Risk: Study.

2. Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes.

3. Does emotional stress cause type 2 diabetes mellitus? A review from the European Depression in Diabetes (EDID) Research Consortium.

4. Toxins and Type 2.

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