Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Eating on the Go is Making You Fat

How relaxing and pleasing it sounds to sit down for a nourishing meal, to have the ability to enjoy every bite, engage in stimulating conversation about the days events and connect to the ones we love. It sounds amazing because that is how we where intended to eat and enjoy our foods. Eating isn't all about just physical nourishment, but it is also about emotional and psychological nourishment. Culturally, for thousands of years eating has been an event meant to connect, inspire and nourish people and families at the deepest of levels. In our go-go-go ways of living we have lost that connection with eating and often tend to view eating as a necessity to get nutrients and nothing more, we have lost the connection with eating's deeper meaning and purpose. Is it any wonder then we find ourselves as a culture addicted to "emotional eating?" It isn't surprising because we are no longer gaining the emotional satisfaction we where meant to gain from our meals and eating so it is natural to seek it in other ways.

Most meals today are eaten on the go. Meals are eaten in cars, while doing other tasks (aka working at your desk while chowing down your lunch), grabbing dinner on the way to kids practice or evening meetings, any of this sound familiar? Not only does this eliminate all the other aspects we where intended to get from eating (emotional and physiological connection and satisfaction) but it is in fact making us fat! Everything in our health and well being works together as a synergistic whole. We where meant to take time to nourish ourselves at meals not only to satisfy us on all levels, but also because our digestion is a process that takes time and works best under relaxing conditions and because it reduces stress hormones in the body that lead to weight gain. When we bypass the natural ways of the body, we end up with unwanted consequences, in this case, unwanted pounds.

Here are 3 ways Eating on the Go is Making You Fat...

1. Increased Stress Hormones = Increased Fat

When we eat in rushed and hurried ways we put our body in a state of stress. Being in a state of stress increases the body's hormone Cortisol. Cortisol has been termed the "stress hormone" because excess cortisol is secreted during times of physical or psychological stress, which disrupts the normal pattern of cortisol in the body. This disruption of cortisol not only promotes weight gain, but it can also affect where you put on the weight. Some studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposition in the abdominal area rather than in the hips. This fat deposition has been referred to as "toxic fat" since abdominal fat deposition is strongly correlated with the development of cardiovascular disease including heart attacks and stroke.

2. Decreased Digestion = Increased Fat

Digestion is one of the most important processes in the body, consuming 80% of all available energy. It is also the strongest link to healthy metabolism and a naturally balanced weight.  Eating in a state of stress, aka rushing around to your next activity, activates the "flight or fight" response in your central nervous system, causing digestion to shut down because your central nervous system shuts down blood flow, affects the contractions of your digestive muscles, and decreases secretions needed for digestion. This means your mean is not digested well, meaning more of it gets stored as fat instead of effectively processed. Eating in a state of stress can also cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal system, and make you more susceptible to infection.

3. Increased Emotional Eating = Increased Fat

Eating is meant to be a time we nourish ourselves physically as well as emotionally. When we don't take the time to make a meal, sit down and enjoy it with the people we love or even just ourselves, we do not get the emotional nourishment we are intended to get from our meals. This leaves us emotionally deficient, and anytime we are deficient in anything we seek it elsewhere. This is one of the areas that contributes to the cycle of emotional eating. Emotional eating quickly increases weight because it is not food we need, but excess and excess is always stored as fat.

Raw Vitality provides you with the tools, education, support & motivation you need to get and stay healthy naturally!  We teach and offer everything you need to restore and maintain your health in a natural and balanced way through holistic health programs and cleanses, natural and organic products, education and support to help you heal and reach the highest levels of health and vitality!

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

To Be or Not To Be Gluten Free

Lots and lots of buzz has been going around lately about gluten and gluten-free diets. New studies have been published and received a lot of press showing that evidence previously provided showing non-celiac individuals still exhibited signs of gastrointestinal distress was incorrect. The press and individuals have run wild with this claiming that this proves gluten is completely safe and it is all just "hype" to sell gluten-free products. While I agree, the market for gluten free products is a corporate industry like most all food industries, this point of view misses the whole point and problem with gluten in the diet today.

The problem is not the protein gluten. Gluten has been used in the diets of indigenous people for thousands of years. We do know from other research that those on a high "gluten" containing diet exhibit all kinds of health problems. Asthma, Allergies, learning developmental disorders, Autism, Auto-Immune disorders, Hormone and Infertility Issues, Cancer, Alzheimer's, ADHD, gastrointestinal conditions like Chron's and diverticulitis. So if the protein gluten is not the problem, what is the problem with gluten products. The problem is 3 fold:

1. How Wheat is Grown - The problem is not gluten, the problem is Gliatin

Whether it comes in the form of organic, sprouted multigrain bread, a squishy white loaf or a strand of spaghetti, all wheat is bad for you, says cardiologist William Davis, MD, author of the bestselling book Wheat Belly. Davis claims that today’s wheat, he calls “Frankenwheat”, is both addictive and toxic and causing a myriad of health problems.

The vast majority of wheat grown and harvested today is only a distant ancestor of the real wheat that your forebears ate. Over the years, wheat has been genetically modified in order for American farmers to produce a high-yield crop of dwarf-size plants that was never tested to see if it was healthy for human consumption. While mass production of wheat has allowed us to feed more people, it has also resulted in producing a “supercarbohydrate” wheat plant that is far less healthy than its predecessor.

2. Processed Foods

Most Americans live off a diet of highly processed foods. Even those claiming to be on a healthy diet, get most of their foods from a can, box or package of some form. These are processed foods, even if they have the words "Organic" or "Natural" you are still eating a processed food if you are eating a food out of a package.

Most all processed foods have today's form of wheat in them.

Today’s wheat, found in these types of foods, may be dangerous because it greatly elevates blood sugar levels, leading to insulin spikes that cause chronic inflammation and excess belly fat (visceral fat). By eating some form of wheat morning noon and night – which many of us do – you’re not only gaining weight, but are also becoming more susceptible to a whole range of inflammatory diseases and ailments including heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, acne, arthritis, IBS and even dementia. (William Davis, MD)

According to Dr. Davis, modern wheat is also a highly addictive complex carbohydrate since it contains a special protein called gliatin, which has the same effect on brain receptors as opium. Gliatin stimulates the appetite, creating incessant hunger and cravings for more wheat products and refined carbs leading us into a an endless un-healthy cycle.

3. The Quantity of Gluten Products in the SAD Diet

Our ancestors grew, harvested and ate wheat in far less quantities then the modern American consumer does today. Every single meal did not contain some form of processed wheat. Our bodies where designed for variety. We get the right amount of nutrients when we keep our diets fresh and ever changing, like with the seasons. That is the natural way to eat and keep our body in balance. Anytime we get too far off in one direction, with one food group for instance, we throw our body out of balance. Long term imbalance creates distress, inflammation and leads to chronic health conditions over time. The over consumption of wheat products, over extended periods of time, has caused a condition in the body called oxidative stress, most especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Oxidative stress is especially harmful, beyond inflammation, because it causes DNA mutations, mutations that have led to conditions such as Celiac disease. This type of mutation is a clear signal from the body that it cannot tolerate the amount of wheat and wheat products we continue to feed ourselves. 

It is not gluten that is the main problem in our diet today, but rather the type of Frakenwheat we are subjected, the amount of processed foods and quantity of wheat in the diet today.

Moving to a fresh natural eating practices is the best approach for long term health, the prevention and reversal of chronic health conditions. Eating practices like that taught in Raw Vitality. 

Raw Vitality provides you with the tools, education, support & motivation you need to get and stay healthy naturally!  We teach and offer everything you need to restore and maintain your health in a natural and balanced way through holistic health programs and cleanses, natural and organic products, education and support to help you heal and reach the highest levels of health and vitality!

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at

Monday, May 12, 2014

Root Causes and Natural Cures For Morning Sickness

Finding out and being pregnant is often the most exciting time in a woman’s life, but then the morning sickness begins and sometimes it turns into all day sickness, which makes the excitement of pregnancy, well a little less exciting! Many well-meaning friends and family members will tell you that morning sickness is just part of being pregnant and may offer you words of advice on how to reduce morning sickness, but the thing to remember is that morning sickness is not normal. Just like all health symptoms our body experiences, it is a sign that something is out of balance, is missing or is not quite right. It is a signal from your body you should listen to. Here are 3 of the root causes of morning sickness and natural ways to fix!


The usual and most common culprit behind morning sickness is a magnesium deficiency
“A hundred years ago, it was easy to get enough magnesium just by eating a variety of foods and drinking water. However, our modern soil is very depleted . . . [And] so is the water. ‘However, today our soil and water is depleted of this most important nutrient and many of the foods and beverages we drink, processed and filled with sugar further deplete the magnesium in our body.
One of the best natural ways to increase magnesium in the body is through herbal infusions of Stinging Nettle. Stinging Nettles herbal infusions have calcium, magnesium. potassium, iron, chromium, selenium, trace minerals, Chlorophyll, and B vitamins. manganese, silica, iodine and sodium. They are also a great source of vitamins A, C and E, B complex vitamins and beta-carotene.Two cups of nettle infusion has all the vitamins and minerals you need for a day. And, it's in their natural, effective, complex forms; not synthetic and broken up like in pills.
To make an infusion of nettle:
Place one ounce of dried herb in a quart jar fill to the top with hot (not boiling) water
Cap tightly and let steep for 4-8 hours strain and drink

Vitamin B Deficiency

Another common culprit in morning sickness is Vitamin B deficiency. Fermented foods are the best way to get these important vitamins and a much better way than trying to get through supplementation. Foods found in the Standard American Diet deplete and demineralize the body of vitamins and minerals, especially B Vitamins. Fermented foods are a great way to get many of the vitamins needed, especially B Vitamins. Fermented foods stop this deficiency cycle and restore your body with the nutrients necessary for a healthy pregnancy. 

Heliobacter Pylori  

H. pylori is a bacteria that lives naturally in the stomachs of as many as half of the world's population. One study found 100% of women with HG that were biopsied tested positive for this bacteria. In recent years, there have been multiple studies making the connection between H. pylori colonization, and morning sickness. Much like most bacteria in the body, as long as this bacteria is kept in check it will not cause you any problems. However, hormonal changes, simple carbs, processed foods and even red meat can cause this bacteria to flare up and cause morning sickness. In a vicious cycle, when this bacteria has been triggered, it exacerbates hormonal swings due to its effects on the hypothalamus.  Many who suffer from morning sickness have reported great success with Colloidal Silver. To eradicate this bacteria, the recommended dose is 1 teaspoon, three times daily, on an empty stomach. Colloidal Silver is a natural antibiotic and is perfectly safe for use during pregnancy.

Raw Vitality is the source for Holistic Health & Natural Healing. We teach and offer all the tools you need to restore & maintain your health naturally.

Raw Vitality offers several different holistic health programs and cleanses to help you heal and become your healthiest in a natural, balanced and sustainable way. Raw Vitality provides you with the tools, education, support & motivation you need to get and stay healthy naturally! You will learn natural and sustainable ways of eating including daily juicing for preventative health with lots of fun, and delicious recipes; consistent movement and exercise; healthy stress management practices to reduce the stress impact on your life and health; holistic living strategies to create greater balance in your life and reduce your exposure to harmful toxins and ways of living; and ongoing wellness coaching to support and encourage you in your journey to a more healthy you!

Raw Vitality also offers a wide variety of natural health care products, including pharmaceutical grade natural supplements, natural skin care lines, revolutionary medical breakthroughs in natural healing, books, DVD's, ebooks and many more natural healing and holistic health tools, education and support.

Raw Vitality can help you to successfully reach your health goals and intentions, reverse chronic health conditions, find your naturally balancedweight, create more energy and radiant natural beauty while bringing your total being - body, mind and spirit - into perfect balance.

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at

Monday, May 5, 2014

The 12 Most Toxic Offenders in Skin Care Products & A Natural Alternative

One of the principals taught in Raw Vitality for natural preventative health care, increasing health and vitality, is to decrease exposure to harmful toxins and chemicals. We know the inside of our homes is the most toxic place on the planet, and this is because the number of toxic chemicals we bring into our homes through cleaning, lawn and personal care products. Women are especially at risk for high levels of toxicity because of the number of beauty products they use, which unless you are buying organic, are filled with health harming chemicals. One of the very best ways to decrease your exposure to toxins is to swap out your conventional skin care products for natural or toxin free beauty products. The question always is then asked, "But do the natural products work?" Raw Vitality offers a skin care line that is not only free of toxic chemicals, it also is years ahead of other skin care lines because of using one of the hottest new technologies in naturally healing and anti-aging, NRF2, which increases the body's own production of powerful antioxidant enzymes. Antioxidants which reverse damage done to the skin by environmental assaults and toxins.

This photo shows 12 of the most toxic offenders in conventional skin care lines and their health repercussions...

The True Science skin care line, featured by Raw Vitality, includes the enhanced Nrf2 technology, not found in any other skin care line.

Why Nrf2 Technologies?

  • Mitigates visible effects of skin damage caused by oxidative stress.
  • Steps up skin’s own protective barriers.
  • Provides protection against environmental assaults on skin.
  • Counterbalances the visible negative effects of sun related damage
True Science is a 4 step skin care system that when used consistently has been clinically proven to create:

95% more moisture and hydrated skin
94% smoother skin
88% brighter and more luminous skin
87% younger looking skin

Better still True Science offers:
No parabens
No petrol products
No soy
No artificial colorings

And is plant based!

To learn more about the True Science skin care line please contact us directly at

Raw Vitality is the source for Holistic Health & Natural Healing. We teach and offer all the tools you need to restore & maintain your health naturally.

Raw Vitality offers several different holistic health programs and cleanses to help you heal and become your healthiest in a natural, balanced and sustainable way. Raw Vitality provides you with the tools, education, support & motivation you need to get and stay healthy naturally! You will learn natural and sustainable ways of eating including daily juicing for preventative health with lots of fun, and delicious recipes; consistent movement and exercise; healthy stress management practices to reduce the stress impact on your life and health; holistic living strategies to create greater balance in your life and reduce your exposure to harmful toxins and ways of living; and ongoing wellness coaching to support and encourage you in your journey to a more healthy you!

Raw Vitality also offers a wide variety of natural health care products, including pharmaceutical grade natural supplements, natural skin care lines, revolutionary medical breakthroughs in natural healing, books, DVD's, ebooks and many more natural healing and holistic health tools, education and support.

Raw Vitality can help you to successfully reach your health goals and intentions, reverse chronic health conditions, find your naturally balancedweight, create more energy and radiant natural beauty while bringing your total being - body, mind and spirit - into perfect balance.

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at

Friday, May 2, 2014

Natural Healing of Seasonal Allergies

It's that time of year again! Sneezing, coughing, ichy and watery eyes, problems's allergy season! Over 26 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies! Allergy medications can help to suppress some seasonal allergy symptoms, but at the same time can come with many unwanted side effects including drowsiness and many don't seem to work at all. In fact, at a recent meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Dr. William E. Berger reported that nearly a third of allergy patients think their medications don’t work. That is because allergy medications do nothing to heal the underlying cause of the allergic response in your body, which means long term, allergies can get worse or cause other health problems. To treat allergies naturally the root cause must be addressed and the root cause of seasonal allergies is the budding of Spring plants or pesky pollen. The real cause of allergies lies within an imbalance in your nervous, digestive and immune system. So that is exactly where the focus of treatment should be.

Seasonal allergies are caused by a hypersensitive nervous system, a dysfunctional immune system and a toxic digestive system, most especially the intestines. As the intestines become overwhelmed with toxicity, toxicty from processed foods, gluten, food chemicals and the likes it creates a vicious cycle of hypersensitivity in the nervous system and an erratic immune system. Once this cycle is created, allergies are the symptoms you will experience. The focus in treating and reversing seasonal allergies is to focus on cleansing and balancing the digestive system, strengthening the immune system while at the same time balancing the nervous system. 

Reversing Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Reversing seasonal allergies completely is possible with the guidance and direction of a knowledgeable holistic health practitioner like those found at Raw Vitality, but there are some general steps you can take on your own to begin the process and reduce symptoms. 

1. Cleanse the Digestive System 

It is important to first focus on cleansing out all the unwanted toxins and built up toxicity that has accumulated in the digestive system. Cleanses that include processed powders and skipping meals are not a true cleanse. A holistic cleanse like Raw Vitality implements fresh, organic eating practices, daily juicing, reducing the stress response in the body and consistent exercise. This type of cleansing regime addresses the root causes of allergies and brings the body back into balance and greater levels of health. 

2. Antioxidants 

Antioxidants help to defend against oxidants and oxidative stress which can trigger the allergic response. As research into antioxidants has evolved we learn that it is the body's own antioxidants enzymes that are the most powerful. In fact it has been discovered that our internal antioxidants are 1 MILLION times more powerful then the antioxidants found in supplements or foods. The problem is our bodies have become so overrun with toxicity our antioxidants become depleted, allergies is one end outcome of this antioxidant depletion. The way to fix this is by boosting the production of our internal antioxidants. Raw Vitality offers a herbal blend that has been scientifically proven to increase the body's antioxidant enzymes, by as much as 300% in 30 days as well as reduce the effects of oxidant damage. 

3. Join the Raw Vitality Monthly Holistic Health Call

On the 3rd Thursday of each month, Raw Vitality hosts a 30 minute Live holistic health call on a specific health condition. On Thursday May 15th at 7pm MTN we will be discussing Allergies & Asthma, what causes them, natural ways of reducing and reversing and a live Q&A with holistic health practitioner, holistic nutritionist & master herbalist Candice Marley. 

Register for this and future calls at:

Raw Vitality Monthly Holistic Health Call w/ Live Q&A

Raw Vitality is the source for Holistic Health & Natural Healing. We teach and offer all the tools you need to restore & maintain your health naturally.

Raw Vitality offers several different holistic health programs and cleanses to help you heal and become your healthiest in a natural, balanced and sustainable way. Raw Vitality provides you with the tools, education, support & motivation you need to get and stay healthy naturally! You will learn natural and sustainable ways of eating including daily juicing for preventative health with lots of fun, and delicious recipes; consistent movement and exercise; healthy stress management practices to reduce the stress impact on your life and health; holistic living strategies to create greater balance in your life and reduce your exposure to harmful toxins and ways of living; and ongoing wellness coaching to support and encourage you in your journey to a more healthy you!

Raw Vitality also offers a wide variety of natural health care products, including pharmaceutical grade natural supplements, natural skin care lines, revolutionary medical breakthroughs in natural healing, books, DVD's, ebooks and many more natural healing and holistic health tools, education and support. 

Raw Vitality can help you to successfully reach your health goals and intentions, reverse chronic health conditions, find your naturally balanced weight, create more energy and radiant natural beauty while bringing your total being - body, mind and spirit - into perfect balance.

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at