Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Make Exercise a Fun, Sustainable Part of Your Life!

Balanced, consistent exercise is a large part of the Raw Vitality holisitc health system and cleanse. Exercise is a vital component to healing and preventing health problems, it also helps to increase energy, regulate and balance the body's internal processes and is a key factor in naturally healthy longevity. 

Raw Vitality in Motion is brought to you by Trinity Ground Game. Ground Game combines the disciplines of Parkour, Gymnastics, and Yoga to take your fitness to the next level.  You develop control over your own body, overcome obstacles, and climb to new heights in your fitness!

Raw Vitality in Motion is part of the 30-day and 7-day Raw Vitality programs and includes:

  • Fresh Starts 
  • 5 Minute Audio Workouts Three Times per Week
  • Access to 250 Workout Videos
  • Workshop Audios 

Raw Vitality in Motion is included as a bonus for joining the Raw Vitality program. Raw Vitality in Motion will help you make movement and exercise a fun, sustainable and balanced part of your life increasing health, vitality and longevity. 

Daniel Beyer is a fitness professional from Delaware.  Daniel runs his own fitness business, Ground Game, and plays a big part in the community.

He became very inspired when he discovered Parkour in Europe in 2007.  In 2008 he became involved in Brazilian jiu jitsu.  He started competing, and although he had just started and was at the entry level he did very well!

A few years into his martial arts career,  he quickly became certified as a personal trainer and earned his degree in Exercise Science.

With a wide range of expertise and many years experience he has developed a system that combines disciplines of movement with fitness and nutrition.  Raw Vitality and Daniel are proud to team together combining Raw Vitality and Ground Game to create Raw Vitality In Motion!

Raw Vitality in Motion will provide you nutrition tips, workouts each week, motivation for the day, and education to help provide you fitness solutions!

Solutions include:

  • Solving Low Back Pain
  • Increasing Flexibility
  • Learning Portion Control
  • Morning Routines to Set Yourself Up for Success

Raw Vitality is excited to work with Daniel.  Get to know him and his successful system of fitness and wellness by listening to his videos.  There are 7 total. Take your time and watch these as you begin working through the Raw Vitality program. We are excited to get moving with you!

Let's put it into practice -- put it into play -- put it "In Motion!"

Learn more about Raw Vitality in Motion at: www.rawvitalitytotalhealth.com/inmotion

Join our October Virtual Group Cleanse Beginning Monday October 13th!

Our Raw Vitality October Group Virtual Cleanse starts on Monday October 13th! This will get you healthy, clean and revitalized before entering the hectic and sometimes not so healthy holiday months! Learn to eat in a natural, fresh and sustainable way, implement healthy stress management practices, create a consistent, fun exercise routine and create healthy green living practices for you and your family! Register at: www.rawvitalitytotalhealth.com

Raw Vitality is a holistic health system and cleanse that provides you with all the tools, education and support you need to prevent and reverse chronic health conditions naturally while achieving the highest levels of health and vitality!

Raw Vitality teaches 

  • Natural eating principals
  • Healthy stress management practices
  • Balanced, consistent, exercise
  • Green living strategies 
  • Medicinal herbs
We teach and offer everything you need to restore and maintain your health in a natural and balanced way through ongoing group cleanses, holistic health workshops, teaching programs for industry professionals, cooking classes, individual cleanses, natural and organic products, education and support.

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at www.rawvitalitytotalhealth.com

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Power of Prevention - 4 Steps to Prevention

Do you know you have almost complete control over whether or not you ever get a disease throughout your lifetime? Do you know you have almost complete control over whether or not you will ever get cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, arthritis, or any other disease that will eventually take your life? Many of us are still young and do not think about our long term health and whether or not we will be living with a chronic disease 20 years from now. As our health care system begins to crumble, with more people sick then well and fewer and fewer people getting well once sick, we have to turn our attention to the power of prevention and learn the key areas to concentrate on now to prevent sickness from ever entering our life.  

Disease processes take many years, even decades to develop. Many diseases we are learning begin their process early in life, when we are children and teenagers. In the US you have more then a 75% chance of getting, having to live with and eventually dying from a chronic degenerative disease. According to the former U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop, of the 2.4 million deaths that occur in the United States each year, 75% are the result of avoidable nutritional factor diseases. This means you only have a 25% chance of dying from old age or natural causes, the way most prefer to leave this life. In fact, 7 out of 10 deaths among Americans each year are from chronic diseases. A chronic degenerative disease is a disease that by Western medical terms will never get better, will continue to get worse throughout your lifetime and will eventually kill you. However, it is what your are doing NOW that will determine what your health will be in 20 years. If you are anything like me, disease is not something I want now or at any time throughout my life. I picture my later years of life as beautiful and relaxing, retired, living my life on my own terms, healthy and able to do all I want and desire. However, statistically speaking, unless I take steps NOW this vision of mine will not occur, because I will be limited by the disease/s that continually eat away at my body and will eventually end my life. We often speak of these diseases as effecting us in our later years of life, but we know this is now no longer the case. It used to be you would not encounter a degenerative type disease until retirement age or beyond. However, today we see people in the early 30's, 40's and even some times in their 20's contract the very same diseases that we did not use to see until later on in life. In 2005, 133 million Americans—almost 1 out of every 2 adults—had at least one chronic illness. 

What is the most interesting about these statistics is that these diseases are the result of AVOIDABLE nutrition and lifestyle factors. That is right. The diseases you may most greatly fear are completely avoidable and within your control. You have complete control over your health, and that is good news! These Chronic Diseases are caused by Four Factors you can easily control through Nutrition and Lifestyle changes.

The Four Factors That Determine Sickness & Disease

#1 Tobacco Use

The CDC reports, "Since 1964, an ongoing series of Surgeon General’s reports on smoking and health has concluded that tobacco use is the single most avoidable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United
States." We know smoking is terrible for our health. We mainly think of the effects smoking has on the lungs and respiratory system but we often neglect to think about is how quickly it ages everything on the inside of the body. Looking at a long term smoker you can see the effects on the outside of the body, aged, weathered skin, deep lines and flat oxygen less skin are all easy to see. This same effect occurs on the inside of the body. Smoking brings in an enormous amount of free radicals that attack healthy cells, cause them to age rapidly and eventually break down and degenerate tissues, organs and entire body systems. Smoking can be one of the most difficult addictions to break but it can be done especially when you are motivated and determined. Align Holistic Health & Well Being uses the methods of Ayurveda to restore balance, create a deeper connection between you and your body's signals, wean the body off the addictive substances while at the same detoxifying and restoring gaps in nutrients which makes cravings less severe and helps to repair some of the damage done by smoking.

#2 Poor Food Choices and Over Sized Food Portions

Currently less then 1/4 of the population gets the "recommended" number of servings of fresh plant based foods. The recommended amount is SIGNIFICANTLY lower then the optimal amount. When taking that into consideration it is probably safe to say less then 5-10% of the population is getting enough plant based foods. Why are plant based foods so important? The body needs vitamins and minerals to restore, repair and grow but it also is highly dependent upon enzymes, water, healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals. 

Phytochemicals are biologically active chemicals,
naturally occurring chemicals, found in plant foods whose various functions are too numerous to completely know at this point. Their actions range from hormone regulation, to cancer prevention, to immune stimulation, to tumor regression. Phytochemicals functions are diverse and plentiful. They are one of the main reasons why food is able to work as medicine inside the body. Plants are abundant in these chemicals. For instance one apple has more then 10,000 active plant chemicals. Plant foods are the only foods that contain phytochemicals.

Enzymes are active living forces commonly termed "The Power of Life." Enzymes contain energy which directly enhances biochemical reactions within the body. It is fresh plant foods that come "pre-packaged" with these living enzymes, which support every process in your body, helping to keep you vibrant, youthful and at your most healthy. Fresh plant foods, are in fact, the ONLY food group that does contain active enzymes. If your nutrition is primarily cooked, boxed, packaged or canned dead foods, you are taking in no enzymes. Over time your body's own reserve is depleted and body processes slow, become less efficient and eventually disease is given fertile ground to grow.

Antioxidants are also only found in plant foods, Their job is to reverse the damage done by toxins in the foods you eat, products you use and environment in which you live. They also help protect you from having any damage done by these toxins. They are what keep you young on the inside and outside!

There are other problems with our food choices including the two most deadly unhealthy fats and sodium. Sodium destroys cellular balance. In fact, too little potassium (which is plentiful in plant foods) and too much sodium (plentiful in processed foods) is the beginning of all chronic disease.

Why is portion size included in this list? Because of the importance of digestion to your overall health. Your body uses up to 80% of all its energy on the digestive process. When you over tax this system, and more then 80% of your energy is required for digestion, energy is taken away from vital other processes such as healing, cleansing and regenerating. When your body is not able to supply energy for these purposes degeneration begins, immunity decreases and your internal environment becomes fertile ground for disease.

#3 Lack of Exercise

Activity is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Exercise and activity help to balance internal processes, cleanse the body regularly and activate important body transmissions. More then 1/3 of all adults do not get enough exercise each day. Physical activity helps control weight, reduce risks for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancers, strengthen bones and muscles, improve mental health and mood, and improve ability to accomplish your daily activities.

#4 Stress

We often overlook or down play the role stress has in our health and well being. Stress, in fact, is a key factor in determining whether or not you will be plagued by sickness or disease. Biologically stress actually begins to tear apart our body from the inside out. During stressful periods of time, the inside of your body is actually 32 years older then your calendar age! That means if you are 35 years old, your heart, lungs and brain, during stressful periods of time, are close to 70 years old! Stress ages your body rapidly, very rapidly in all ways and in all areas. We know how bad stress if, but what can we do about it? Some stress is inevitable in life, some stress can be down sized and the rest of it must be managed through healthy stress management practices.

By being aware of and controlling these 4 Factors that Determine Sickness & Disease you decrease your risk of getting sick or contracting the most common diseases Americans die from each year. By taking a preventative approach to your health, you ensure your later years of life are filled with happiness and peace and not pain and disease. You also help ensure you are able to accomplish all you want throughout your life and are not limited in any way by your health. What you do NOW determines what your health will be tomorrow, 10, 20 and even 50 years from now. These 4 Factors are not complicated. You can take control of your health. Raw Vitality will teach you the most effective natural healing and health tools to take control of your health and prevent disease throughout your lifetime!

Raw Vitality is a holistic health system and cleanse that provides you with all the tools, education and support you need to prevent and reverse chronic health conditions naturally while achieving the highest levels of health and vitality!

Raw Vitality teaches 

  • Natural eating principals
  • Healthy stress management practices
  • Balanced, consistent, exercise
  • Green living strategies 
  • Medicinal herbs
We teach and offer everything you need to restore and maintain your health in a natural and balanced way through ongoing group cleanses, holistic health workshops, teaching programs for industry professionals, cooking classes, individual cleanses, natural and organic products, education and support.

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at www.rawvitalitytotalhealth.com

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5 Health Problems a Holistic Health Cleanse Can Cure

The word cleansing is thrown around alot. Often it means going from long stretches of time without food, only liquids, some powdered processed drink or odd concoction (maple syrup, cayenne and lemon anyone?), and this is supposed to be healthy? If you are looking for natural, long term health, no none of this is healthy. It may benefit you in the short term, ie sudden weight loss, clearing up of minor health symptoms temporarily, but long term you are doing your body more harm then good. A holistic health cleanse is different. There is no deprivation or odd concoctions, just natural straight forward health principals. Holistic means completed so in a holistic health cleanse you target all areas of health at the same time to achieve total health. Raw Vitality is a holistic health cleanse. A holistic health cleanse focuses on whole, natural eating practices or learning how to eat in a way that supports long term health and heals the body of any health problems it is experiencing; balanced, consistent exercise; healthy stress management practices like yoga and meditation; and green living practices to reduce exposure to health harming toxins and chemicals.

Because a holistic health cleanse is complete, and addresses all areas of health at the same time, it is extremely effective at healing the body, bringing the body back into balance and restoring overall health.

Here are 5 Health Problems A Holistic Health Cleanse (Raw Vitality) Can Cure. 

1. Cardiovascular Problems

The number one cause of death in the US is heart disease. Heat disease is not a health problem that appears over night, but takes a lifetime to develop. We are now learning that chronic health problems begin even in childhood. How you are eating, exercising and managing your stress today will determine if and when you will experience heart disease. Heart disease is caused by poor dietary practices, including a high proportion of animal products and fats, fried foods, processed foods, not enough fiber, not enough plant based foods and not enough nutrients. The Eating for Raw Vitality principals fixes all these dietary problems helping to heal cardiovascular problems and prevent them from occurring long term. Heart disease also is created through poorly managed stress and not enough physical movement. Through meditation, yoga and balanced consistent exercise, like found in the 30 day Raw Vitality program, the stress impact on the body is reduced and reversed and a consistent sustainable exercise program is developed and implemented. 

2. Cancer

If you live in a Western culture chances are you, someone you know or love has been effected by one of the most deadly diseases of our time, cancer in it's many forms. Cancer research dollars continue to poor in but a "cure" is still no closer to being found. That is because the best way to get rid of cancer is to prevent it from occurring and in the US no attention is placed on preventing cancer. Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle. (1) The lifestyle factors include cigarette smoking, diet (fried foods, red meat), environmental pollutants, stress, obesity, and physical inactivity. If you knew you could prevent 90-95% of your chance of getting cancer just by changing your diet, how you manage stress and balanced, consistent exercise would you want to learn exactly what you need to do? Raw Vitality teaches you all of these principals so you can effectively prevent cancer from occurring or reoccurring in your life. 

3. Diabetes

We know diabetes type 2 or the type you get later in life, is related directly to obesity and lack of physical exercise. Specifically type 2 diabetes is caused by the types of foods one is eating (high amount of sugars, processed foods and animal products) and not eating (not enough fresh, plant based foods). Beyond that we are now learning that type 1 diabetes is being classified as an autoimmune disease, meaning the body begins to attack its own healthy tissue damaging it to a point of complete break down. Autoimmunity is caused often by chemical pollutants, stress, food choices and overall imbalance in the body. Raw Vitality brings the body back into total balance, addresses the dietary problems that cause diabetes and lead to the increase of its symptoms and implements a long term sustainable exercise program. 

4. Weight Imbalance

If you have tried to loose weight all your life, struggle with yo yo diets or can't seem to loose weight no matter what you do, you are not alone. The Western diet and lifestyle sets the stage for most all people to struggle with weight problems. The types of foods we eat change our metabolism, pollute our bodies causing higher amounts of fat to stay in the body and change our hormones in a way that weight loss becomes very difficult. Add in high amounts of stress, high amounts of exposure to toxins and chemicals and low levels of exercise and you have the perfect storm for weight gain and weight imbalance. Raw Vitality addresses all the key areas of health that contribute to finding and staying at your naturally balanced weight without a lot of rules or systems, just natural ways of eating and living. One of the areas we get the most feedback in is how much weight people loose. It is not unheard of to hear of people loosing 20 pounds in 30 days, everyone is different. What we do know is the Raw Vitality principals teach you the tools you need to bring your body back into balance and sustainable lifestyle and eating practices so you can remain at your naturally balanced weight forever. 

5. Allergies 

The incidence of allergies is increasing on the population. Allergies are simply a sign of an over reactive immune system. Allergies tell us the immune system of the body is overburdened, not functioning optimally and is now reacting to anything and everything. 80% of the immune system resides and is created within the gut. The most important influence right now on the increase in allergy symptoms is our food supply. Contaminated with toxic chemicals, GMO organisms and franken-stein type food products like wheat and soy in it's present form, the gut the body is constantly under assault. Food chemicals and GMO's damage and kill off important cells of the immune system and cause confusion within the body and immune system itself. Foreign objects, such as man made chemicals and genetically modified organisms, would normally be processed by the body, made inactive and disposed of, but because of the large amount we are now consuming the immune system is being overwhelmed and destroyed. Because we overwhelm our immune system daily with these contaminants the immune system goes on high alert, looking for anything and everything that may cause the body harm. At the same time it is functioning less effectively and efficiently because of how damaged and over run it has become. Through the Eating for Raw Vitality principals, balancing the body and digestive system reset, green living principals and healthy stress management practices allergies begin to reduce and over time can be completely eliminated. 

If you are tired of living with health problems and want to learn the most effective natural healing tools to reverse, heal and prevent health problems, join the Raw Vitality group cleanse beginning MONDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH! Our Before You Begin Call will take place THIS Thursday 9/4 at 7pm MTN so get registered for the cleanse today. Register here: http://www.rawvitalitytotalhealth.com/

Raw Vitality is a holistic health system and cleanse that provides you with all the tools, education and support you need to prevent and reverse chronic health conditions naturally while achieving the highest levels of health and vitality!

Raw Vitality teaches 

  • Natural eating principals
  • Healthy stress management practices
  • Balanced, consistent, exercise
  • Green living strategies 
  • Medicinal herbs
We teach and offer everything you need to restore and maintain your health in a natural and balanced way through ongoing group cleanses, holistic health workshops, teaching programs for industry professionals, cooking classes, individual cleanses, natural and organic products, education and support.

Get a free taste of Raw Vitality with 10 Fresh, Fast & Healthy Raw Vitality Recipes at www.rawvitalitytotalhealth.com


(1) Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes